Travel stories from Middle East

Bodrum, the Turkish Riveria

Bodrum, the Turkish Riveria
Thu 07 Aug 2014
Just winding down on my time in Bodrum, Turkey. After sleeping in the car for one night and being stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of Bodrum at midnight during Bayran,  it's a welcome outcome to f ... [more]

Lone Pine war memorial and site

Coming ashore at Gallipoli 99 years on - Anzac Tourist

Thu 24 Jul 2014 - John Nayler
Wheeling into the ferry port town of Eceabat on the Gallipoli peninsula South West of Istanbul, you have just spend about 4 hours crossing dry country on 4 lane roads currently undergoing substantial  ... [more]

Pergamon ruins, Bergama, Turkey

Pergamon ruins, Bergama, Turkey

Mon 14 Jul 2014 - John Nayler
Off the tourist track a short distance is the Pergamon ruins, acropolis, fortifications and more.

Incredible for the amount of labour that went into the construction over the centuries, its impres ... [more]

 Hierapolis Amplitheatre

Pamukkale, Turkey itinerary and accommodation recommendation

Thu 10 Jul 2014 - John Nayler
Having stayed in a variety of accommodation across Turkey I found Sinter Terasse Hotel to be a shining example of how a B and B style place should be run and presented. The rooms are perfect at first  ... [more]

Kilic Ali Pasa Hamam reception

Kilic Ali Pasa Hamam - Turkish cleanse and massage

Fri 04 Jul 2014 - John Nayler
Absolutely sumptuous experience at Kilic Ali Pasa Hamami which is so positively reported across the internet and Tripadvisor. At a price that seems high by local standards, a similar experience in the ... [more]

View from roof top at Mikla

Mikla, Roof Top Dining in Istanbul, Turkey

Tue 01 Jul 2014 - John Nayler
Guide book directed us to roof top dining at Mikla. While apparently not sign posted on the street, the Google map was accurate and the hotel reception staff directed us to the top floor.

Impressiv ... [more]

Does getting the Israel Passport Stamp scare you?

Wed 12 Dec 2012 - Adrian Cahill
A lot Middle Eastern countries are strongly against the Israel, or the occupation of Palestine.